The designs are coming along nicely and I'm enjoying the opportunity of working for someone so far away, and the idea that my design will be on cars travelling through the US! I shall post the designs once they have been finalised and agreed.
In other news, I attended the lovely wedding of my friends Hannah and Conor Costigan at the weekend. It was set in the beautiful Kent countryside and it was great to get away from the smog and catch up with friends.
I had designed the wedding invitations and table plan for the wedding and even got a mention in the speeches, which was totally unexpected and made me blush. I'm not sure if any photos were taken of the table plan and my little handbag was too small to fit my camera in, but I shall ask around and post photos if I can find any. In the meantime, here's a screen grab of the front of the invitation, which was designed with an illustration of a sweet pea to complement the bridal party's flowers.

Hello, my youv'e been busy, I've now got the photos from Alice from the wedding and the're great..not sure if theres one of the table plan..theres still photos from niall that I haven't seen yet so I'll keep an eye out for them. Thanks again for all your help & the brilliant design you came up with...everyone loved it (and so did we!) see u soon, Han